Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Was held October 12 & 13
at Alden Lane Nursery
981 Alden Lane, Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 447-0280
Lou Evans Best of Show winner with Single Miniature Maroon Eight
Was held April 20, 2024
at Alden Lane Nursery
981 Alden Lane, Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 447-0280
Best of Show winner Mark Mintz with the Best Group of 3 Hybrid Tea Blooms: Blake Hedrick
Was held October 14 & 15, 2023
at Alden Lane Nursery
981 Alden Lane, Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 447-0280
Best of Show winner Lou Evans with a beautiful Artistic Bouquet of Jolene Adams & White Licorice Roses
Lou Evans with the Best In Show Winner
Jacquie Williams Cortright - Owner Alden Lane Nursery
A message from our President Lou Evans:
Reluctantly, we are CANCELLING the Mount Diablo Rose Society Spring Rose Show, scheduled for Saturday April 22 at the Dublin Library. Simply, due to our abnormally cold winter and early spring, with lack of sun and heat, there are very few buds maturing fast enough to be ready to display and judge in 9 more days. The Board had discussed this recently via Zoom, and it was confirmed last evening at our General Meeting that there are just not enough flowers to justify having a show. Personally, I usually bring several dozen entries and I don’t even have ONE that would be ready to enter by the 22nd. And, there is cool weather forecast for the next week, with high temps breaking 70 only on Friday the 21st.
We may reschedule a display-only show for sometime in early May or early June, depending on circumstances. Information will follow.
I urge you to exhibit in the surrounding society’s shows scheduled for late April and early May, when you may have blooms ready to show off:
More information on the upcomming Rose Shows can be found here on the NCNH District Website.
Was held October 1 & 2, 2022
at Alden Lane Nursery
981 Alden Lane, Livermore, CA 94550
(925) 447-0280
Best of Show winner Lou Evans with a beautiful Polyantha Spray of Lullaby
Best of Show winner Lou Evans with the winning Spray of Baronne Edmond de Rothschild.
Was held at Dublin Library on
Saturday, April 23 2022
Best of Show winner Lou Evans with a beautiful 3 Floribunda Sprays of Sparkle & Shine
Alden Lane Nursery owner Jacquie Williams-Courtright presenting Peggy Carlson (Mount Diablo Rose Society President) with the Best In Show award
for Peggy's perfect Gertrude Jekyll rose entry.